Te Puna Manawa o Whakaue

Te Puna Manawa o Whakaue

Text or Call 021 194 9429 or drop in during open hours.

Email: korero-mai@taumata.org.nz

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Location: 2B Ranolf Street, Rotorua
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 4.00pm

Te Puna Manawa o Whakaue

“Ko te reo Māori te reo o te Manawa”

We provide positive learning opportunities alongside and in partnership with whānau, hapū and Iwi.

Our daily programme is delivered in a bilingual setting and includes a Whakaue centric curriculum, with a special focus on Ngā Koromatua o Ngāti Whakaue.

You do not need to be fluent in te reo Māori for your tamariki to attend Puna Manawa.

Taking enrolments now! All tamariki are welcome!

Enquire now about 20 hours free care!

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